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February 20-23, 2025

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

Game Master Information

Events for Total Confusion are submitted through TableTop Events.

Total Confusion accepts events in all genres: role-playing, miniatures, card games, board games, independent games, young player games, and more. You will be required to create an account if you don’t already have one, then search for Total Confusion. Submit your event by filling out all the required fields. If you have more than one event, follow the same process over again, the system does accept copy and paste.

When your event submission is complete, you will receive an automatic reply from TableTop Events. Once Total Confusion has reviewed your submission (usually within 2 weeks) you will be contacted by email. You will be notified that your event has been accepted or not accepted with the reasons why and instructions on how to modify the event. Once the event is accepted, there will be a follow-up email notifying you that your event was scheduled. This means your submission now has a room and table assigned to it

Board Games, Game Masters

Board games Game Masters earn standard reimbursement based on the complexity of the game and length. Game Masters are expected to run a full table of players and only play if a seat is available. Teaching board games earns standard reimbursement for the time the game is run.

Collectible Games, Game Masters

Collectible games events submitted, earn standard reimbursement as per the policy below.

Indie Games, Game Masters

Events submitted by small publishers, boutique games or Kickstarter publishers will have a special location in the gaming space. These specialty tables are highlighted for extra attention but are also space limited. Book your Indie event early.

If you are an independent publisher and have a product to sell, Total Confusion has a low-cost exhibit table. More information can be found under Dealers & Exhibitors Demonstration Games.

Role-Playing, Game Master

All role-playing events submitted, earn standard reimbursement as per the policy below.

Young Player Games, Game Masters

Game Masters who submit 2-hour role-playing events to the young players department, will receive double credit towards reimbursement for their time.

Game Master Reimbursement Policy

Game Masters who submit events will be given discount codes towards reimbursing their cost of badge and other merchandise. If a badge has already been purchased ahead of time, the Game Master will receive reimbursement through TableTop Events, Pay Pal or check. If you need to be reimbursed by cash, please contact Ben Gerber at

Referees, Game Master or Hosts that contribute towards Total Confusion will be reimbursed based on the following sliding scale:

  • 4 hours… 1 day badge reimbursement
  • 8 hours… 2 day badge reimbursement
  • 12 hours… weekend badge reimbursement
  • 16 hours… weekend badge reimbursement plus T-shirt
  • 20 hours… weekend badge reimbursement plus T-shirt plus 2 prize tickets
  • 24 hours… weekend badge reimbursement plus T-shirt plus 4 prize tickets
  • 28 hours… weekend badge reimbursement plus T-shirt plus 6 prize tickets
  • 32 hours… weekend badge reimbursement plus T-shirt plus 8 prize tickets

Reimbursement will be made within 30 days of the end of the convention. If you require reimbursement onsite, it must be arranged before the start of the convention by contacting Ben Gerber at

Game Master Envelopes

GMs are required to fill out the GM envelopes in their entirety. They are considered the “GM Time Sheet”. Without them we cannot confirm your event ran and thus reimbursement may be delayed or denied if the envelopes are not filled out and returned to Event office, registration desk or another Total Confusion staff member. If a GM has been given credit upfront and does not complete the hours submitted, that GM will be asked for payment and may be denied the opportunity to Game Master in the future.

Event Policies and Procedures

  1. Submission Dates
    1. The start date for event submissions is September 1st. Bi-weekly, events are sorted into their departments and appropriate table space is assigned to them.
      1. All submissions are through the online event submission system found by logging into TableTop Events at Find the submit event button to take you to the online form.
    2. If an event has unusual requirements (5 tables of space, two whole rooms, large floor space, etc) it will be considered a “Special Event”.
      1. Any Special Event is required to be submitted to the tabletop events submission system no later than September 30th to be considered.
    3. There is no guarantee that the requested time and tables will be available. Events submitted as below will be given the highest priority.
      1. If you are running a 4-hour event (as in the case of an RPG) don't use start times of 10 am or 3pm. When time slots like these are chosen they limit the number of events usable on a table from 3 events down to 2 events. If you use those times your event will be chosen last to fill in the table space.
      2. Choose an event that is less common. Example of this would be running a Traveler RPG over a Dungeons and Dragons RPG. There are 30 tables of Dungeons and Dragons going on in any given time. Again, the rarer event will get preference.
    4. To make space for events, your event times may need to be moved to accommodate. If this happens you will be notified of the change, at which time you may choose to accept the time change or cancel the event. Please fill out your information completely so we can get in touch with you.
    5. Events submitted after December 20, 2024 will not be accepted into the event system or put into the onsite book. Events submitted after the deadline will not count towards fulfilling GM Reimbursement requirements.
    6. Total Confusion LLC reserves the right to make changes to a submitted event’s description for reasons of clarity and/or brevity.
    7. Total Confusion LLC reserves the right to reject or cancel any submitted event regardless of submission date or submission content. The event host will be notified in the case of a rejected event.
  2. Event Submission Process
    1. The Game Master submits an event into the online event registration system via TableTop Events. For organized play events, the Group Liaison will submit all events for the entire organization.
    2. Approximately every two weeks the events that have been submitted are checked for clarity and content.
      1. If the event is accepted it will be assigned a table location and TableTop Events will notify that the event has been scheduled.
      2. If the event is not accepted it will be placed on “hold”. The submitter will be contacted by email as to the cause for the “hold” to resolve the issue.
      3. If the submitter does not reply to Total Confusion by December 20th it will be deleted from the system. Delaying in returning the email will delay the table assignment process.
    3. If you are submitting events as the group liaison, you are required to provide a list of game masters no later than December 20th.
    4. Tabletop Events will display events as they are scheduled. If your event does not show online or if you have other questions or issues, contact us by e-mailing
    5. If an event needs to be cancelled after it has already been submitted. You are required to contact Total Con by e-mailing
  3. Submission Form Definitions
    • Name: This is the title of your specific event as it will appear in the program guide, Tabletop Events, and the event ticket.
      1. Do not use all capital letters
      2. Titles are limited to 42 characters
    • Event Type: The Event Type identifies the kind of event you are running, which helps attendees locate specific categories of events.
      • Board Game This covers all standard board games, like Risk or Settlers of Catan.
      • Board Game Independent a published game where the product is not stocked in major retailers or sold through major distributors under a single publisher's account.
      • Board Game Tournament These games usually involve multiples of the same game running at several tables in elimination rounds to determine a winner. Puff’n Billy, and New England Regional (NER) fall under this category
      • Collectible games are either cards or miniatures that are purchased blind to be used in a tournament style play. This type of game is generally used to eliminate a player from "out buying" better units and realize more on skill and luck to win.
      • Electronic games are video game console events run by the Total Confusion staff. No equipment is required, everything is supplied.
      • LARP or Live Action Role Playing games are events where players move around and act out their actions, often dressing the part instead of just playing at a table. All LARPS fall under the Special Event categories (see event policy A2).
      • Miniatures games are historical, fantasy or science fiction war games fought with miniature figures.
      • Role-Playing are games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, through a process of structured decision-making regarding character development.
      • Role-Playing, Independent are published games where the product is not stocked in major retailers or sold through major distributors under a single publisher's account.
      • Role-Playing, Old School is a spinoff of Role-Playing games based on game systems from the “Golden Age" of role-playing or game systems that simulate that feel.
      • Role-Playing, Organized Play are RPG events that are run by companies that organize campaign style events. Meaning the character is created at one of the events and is continued to be played from that point on gaining experience and equipment.
      • Seminars involve a speaker or moderator, sometimes accompanied by guests, presenting a specific topic to a general audience.
      • Workshops are like seminars in that they are hosted by a speaker or moderator, but workshops are usually focused on giving hands-on instruction or experience in making or doing something and require a fee.
      • Young Players An event specifically targeted for young gamers between the ages of 7 and 16. Generally the games played here can be any type but are generally board games, card games and RPGs. Events usually run under 2 hours in length. Only persons with a “young players” badge can play in these events.
      • ZED are events that are not games and don’t fall into other categories like music shows or costume contests.
    • Event Description: This is the more detailed description of your event. It should explain the basic premise of your game or activity and should provide attendees with enough information to decide if they would like to register for it. Total Confusion LLC reserves the right to make changes to any event description.
      1. There is a limit of 450 characters. This includes spaces.
      2. Do not use all capital letters.
      3. Make sure to spell-check your description and use correct punctuation.
      4. Event descriptions must contain acceptable language for all ages.
    • More Information URL: If you have additional information for your players (world info, history, character sheets) you may put a link here to a place where it can be found. Remember this is publicly viewed.
    • Preferred Start Time Specify the day and time you would prefer your event start time to be scheduled.
      1. They must be from one of the eight start times: 8am, 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm.
      2. Exceptions are allowed for Seminar, workshop and ZED events.
    • Alternate Time Slot: Specify a day and time for your event to be scheduled in case your preferred start time is not available. Do NOT choose the same as your preferred time slot and it still must conform to the allowable time slots.
    • Duration: You can tailor your events time length here from 1 to 12 hours. You only get credit based on 2-hour increments that the event runs for. If you are running the same event on multiple days, please list the duration time for this individual occurrence and not the total duration for all combined.
    • Maximum Tickets Please specify the maximum number of players your event can accommodate.
    • Ticket Price: is only used if you want to be paid some amount for your event. This additional fee will be tagged onto the cost of ticket for the player to pay. This is most often used for workshop events to offset the cost of materials.
    • Age Range This field rates the event for age-appropriate material to allow attendees and parents to make an informed decision on their child’s participation in an event.
      1. Young Players rating is for all attendees from 7 to 12 in age.
      2. Teen rating is for attendees 13 and up in age.
      3. Mature rating is for players 17 and up in age.
      4. Adult rating is for adults only. This event will have adult themes.
    • Game System: Please make sure to note the specific system the game uses for all game events.
    • Manufacturer: Please list the game systems manufacturer so that they may get credit for their hard work and the systems they have designed.
    • Experience: This field lets attendees know how challenging this game, setting or scenario may be.
      1. Introductory Rules will be taught at the table while the game is played.
      2. Experienced players are assumed to know the rules and there will be no explanation of the rules.
      3. Advanced All players are expected to know the rules and any special rules will be noted in the description.
    • Materials Provided: GMs list what you will provide (ie. Copy of board game, character sheets, etc). If materials are required by the attendees, please list them.
    • Table Size The tables listed below are the ones available. If the field is left blank the defaults for the type of event will be used (noted in bold).
      1. RPG: (5’ round) tables which supports up to 8 players each
      2. Miniatures: (60" x 96")
      3. Board Game: (24”x 6’), (5’ round), (6’x6’)
      4. TCG/CG: (30” x 6’)
      5. LARP: must be specified
    • Electrical Requirements (optional, Special Request) If you have any special electrical needs, please specify them here.

Dealers & Exhibitors Demonstration Games

  1. Demo events are typically unscheduled events run either in the dealer’s booth area or at an exhibitor table space to promote a game system. All demonstration games shall follow the following guidelines.
    1. Events will be family friendly based on the decision of the Total Confusion staff.
    2. The demo table hours is the same as the area it is being conducted in.
    3. The event will not interfere with other events, demos, dealers, exhibitors or attendees based on the decision of the Total Confusion staff.
    4. Demo events in the gaming hall must be authorized through Total Confusion prior to the December 20th deadline.
  2. If the dealer/ exhibitor would like their demonstration game run in the gaming space, they are submitted like any other event and follow standard Total Confusion policies, including pricing and placement. See Game Master Information for more information.
  3. Independent publishers may rent the low-cost option “Indy Alley” exhibit table to both demo their game and sell their independent product.
    1. The indie publisher will contact the independent gaming coordinator at to check for space and time availability.
      1. The publisher, if accepted will receive a schedule on when they will have demo table space and exhibit booth space.
    2. The publisher will schedule 4 hours of their event through the standard gaming system on TableTop Events based on their schedule.
    3. The publisher will then have the rest of their scheduled time at a shared exhibitor booth to sell their game.
    1. The exhibit booth is shared during the day with two other indie publishers. Space is half a table 3’x30”. One publisher will be in the gaming halls, while the other two demo/sell their games at the booth.
    2. Demo events are permitted at the exhibitor booth space permitting.
  4. Sales are not permitted outside the dealer’s hall or exhibitors booths. Product sales outside of the Exhibit Hall may result in the company removal from the convention, and the inability to participate in future Total Confusion LLC conventions.